Every year, I seek the Lord for a word for that year or season of life that I’m in. This one year in particular, I felt God impressed on my heart to face my fears. I had been reading blogs and listening to sermons that continued to speak to the theme of being...
My sweet friend sent this request for my Beloved Story as I was in the midst of the biggest storm I have ever faced. At first I told her, NO! I thought had nothing to give. “I don’t feel Beloved right now,” I thought to myself. I felt like the house was crashing...
A BeLoved Story about Delaney and her dad: Part Two (Part One apeared on this site on May 7, feel free to click this link now to read Part One) …I prayed again and asked God, “While awareness about T-18 is great, I feel like there’s something...
On January 11, 2015, Jesus became real to me. My whole life I’ve struggled with doubting my salvation. Ive said the prayer and gotten baptized 3 times. A few months after that, I would still feel like something was missing… no, something wasn’t...
I followed God’s calling to the hot non-air conditioned country of Cambodia to teach English at a local orphanage. I was half way through my time in Cambodia and feeling really discouraged because the teaching wasn’t going well and I didn’t feel like I was making a...