by The Maraseks | Mar 8, 2018 | The Maraseks, Update
Working hard and moving on with the studio. The weather is warming up and the snow is finally melting in Lviv. Which means our studio isn’t freezing anymore! Despite the cold we have been very active at The Potter’s Clay. We recently held two photo...
by The Maraseks | Feb 25, 2018 | The Maraseks, Update
By Alena I was young, but already knew that I if came to God and left my strange friends, it should be interesting. I just wanted to hear God, to know that all this is real. I started ministry at 19. It started with prayer and tears. As usual I was terrified about my...
by The Maraseks | Jan 13, 2018 | The Maraseks
By Alena. In church we often discuss this topic and can share with each other’s different experience. And it’s very important to encourage our sisters and brothers, but for this we need to go into the field and be involved in some ministry. My experience of...
by The Maraseks | Sep 19, 2017 | The Maraseks
I am proud to announce that after all the planning , brainstorming, research, and praying, we finally have an art studio. After a lot of searching and saving, we finally decided to make a move and look for an studio space. We looked on the internet for a warehouse and...
by The Maraseks | Sep 12, 2017 | The Maraseks
Alena Marasek On 22.08.17- 30.08.17 I had mission trip to Luhansk region. In the beginning of summer I asked my husband to pray about some opportunity for me to serve. Every summer I try to separate for ministry, because at this time I don’t have so many art...