Over a year and a half ago… a friend traveling the world with me on the World Race prophesied a new name over me. That name was “BeLoved.”
She knew my passion with Revealed Ministries (A girls ministry I had been involved with for 5 years or so) had a lot to do with our “LOVED.” message. “Now,” she explained “is the time in which you live the next chapter of your story as Christ’s BeLoved.” A new name, representing a new life lived every day under the promise of God’s unconditional love. She even boldly added that this would be the next chapter of my ministry.
My name is Lauren Anne Powell (Formerly “Clement“), and I only recently acquired a new LAST name! On September 20th, 2014, I married the man of my prayers at almost 30 years old. We had waited and waited for the one our hearts’ longed for and suddenly, and quite out of nowhere, we discovered a person and a plan for our lives that were not only ordained to be united, but also the best thing that could have happened to either of us. My husband, Sheldon, is absolutely a man after God’s own heart, and an encourager to one and all. He is a rock when I need him to be and a sincere worshiper of our great God that I look to with humility in spiritual leadership and with admiration each and every day. He’s not perfect and that’s perfectly fine with me. He can handle me and my passions for God’s life… and sometimes, that’s asking a lot. Did I mention he’s a patient man too? Haha!
A little bit of my story…
When I was 7 years old, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “You’ve given me your heart and now you will serve my people with your life.”
At the age of 14, I was made to sit still and was again impressed upon that I would serve God by serving people in “Full-time, vocational ministry.” I thought He was going to tell me to move to Papua New Guinea to minister to tribes in the bush. Nope.
21 years old, still trapped in a home with an extremely abusive father, I ran to a nearby field where I wept and displayed my built up bitterness towards this God who had seemingly called me and yet left me feeling abandoned and unfulfilled. He spoke even clearer that day than he had to date… he gave me a sign amidst a bright blue, cloudless sky. He sent me a rainbow. His words rang through as I stared. It was His promise. He was asking me to be brave and to follow the call on my life to live as a servant of people… to share His story of love. I promised. And then He promised something that has come true in so many ways– He said He would give me the desires of my heart. This, He has done and yet has only begun to do. There is more for me to do, which means there are more blessings on the way. What a great Dad. A gift giver. A promise keeper.
I attended Bible college at the Baptist College of Florida soon after to earn a BA in Christian Counseling and have continued to volunteer for Kingdom work in big and small ways whenever opportunity has arisen. I love to not just speak the truth in love but to show it by meeting needs. This is part of my DNA, I do believe, putting feet to (what can be) lofty claims. I also have tried to build a career, though– many times. I humbly say that I have acquired an incredible resume for someone at my age even without a Masters degree (Although I’m dying to go back to school for one!!!) but NOTHING has been fulfilling in my life like pouring myself into a ministerial project or mission. Simply put, I’m here to help people– all of the time.
Well, that’s a bit about me and why I’m doing what I’m doing but let’s speed forward to the earlier mentioned prophetic name, given to me from my friend on the World Race…
I came home from this 11 month volunteer journey, believing that promise and was beginning to fall into doubt that it was actually true when I saw no signs that BeLoved was happening over a year later. Another friend from the WR, Matt Murray, CEO of CODE ministries, brought BeLoved to fruition before my eyes, directly following this time of questioning. We chatted about our similar visions from Jesus for this new project and about the mission of the named effort. It was beautiful– cohesive, even. Beginning a new season of marriage soon, I decided to jump into BeLoved fully in October of ‘14, following Sheldon’ and my big day, but only as a hobby.
And this is why I come to you now with this introduction… My BeLoved friends and family, let me introduce to you my newest venture in sharing God‘s love, spurred on by the power of the Father only, and accomplished solely within His divine will and courage…
…the CODE ministries new BeLoved Ministry!
BeLoved will bring awareness, prayer, funding, and service together to meet the “gap needs” of established partners in kingdom work through media focused and artistic campaigns, located around the world each year.
My next post will define Beloved and will give a countdown to its’ first adventurous initiative!!!!
Please take a look at our prayer card, and feel free to share it with others. My goal is to touch my feet to the ground in each location that will become a BeLoved Campaign, as to keep touch with the protected efforts of a support raising ministry. I want to KNOW that our efforts are working and not just making us feel satisfied.
I never want to be satisfied as a flame when a fire is possible. This is why I have decided to become a vocational missionary with CODE ministries and to pursue building the BeLoved ministry full time! I know that I will need a crowd of witnesses of prayer and financial support to accomplish this well. I ask you to join me in this, if you feel so led.
Keeping the BeLoved of God sustained will be consistency and His consuming love, unconditionally spread to each and every one we can as a community bent on social change. I can’t wait!!
More news on how you can help Christ’s BeLoved coming soon! If you just can’t wait to be at the forefront of this amazing work, contact me and I’ll be happy to receive your support of any kind!
Click Pray to join the BeLoved Prayer Team – Click GIVE to financially support BeLoved – Click GO to join the BeLoved adventure team and serve with us! Check out the BeLoved page for more details!
This introduction is a testament to the power of God’s Word. His promise. His faithfulness.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”
Lauren A. Powell
Director of BeLoved
CODE ministries
Email: laurenpowell@codeministries.org
Personal Blog: Laurenap.com
Instagram: @Be_Loved411