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Over a year and a half ago… a friend traveling the world with me on the World Race prophesied a new name over me. That name was “BeLoved.” She knew my passion with Revealed Ministries (A girls ministry I had been involved with for 5 years or so) had a lot to do with...
Thank God It’s Monday
This morning I woke up at 5:30am. It’s Monday. Believe it or not, it wasn’t miserable. I woke up with a sense of purpose and with a joy to write. I chose to wake up. I hear things like this all the time… “I’m not a morning person” “A case of the Mondays” “I’m...
The Tea Table: Meet Matt
The Tea Table is a special feature where you have the chance to get to know our team on a more personal level. Pour yourself some tea (hot or sweet-- we won't judge) and enjoy. Have a question you'd like to ask our team? Just leave it in the comments below! What is...
Happy New Year!
Hello and welcome to 2015 everyone! It is hard to believe that 15 years ago Y2K came and went without any excitement, High-Speed Internet was still yet a dream and REM was still on the radio. It is now 15 years later and the world has changed so much, and so has CODE....
Land of the Free, Home to the Slave
When someone brings up the topic of sex trafficking, what images come to your mind? Crowded streets in a foreign country where girls dance in windows? A western man with an arm slung around a young Thai girl in a dark street many miles from home? Eastern European...