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Below you can read posts from our missionaries.
Beegs Abroad
For those of you who have followed Allie and I or supported us through prayer and finances, we wanted to update you on what’s been going on since we had initially announced our departure to Phuket, Thailand. 2016 brings new challenges/opportunities to trust God and...
Baby Crazy
You know when you put on a Jacket for the first time in a long time and you reach into the pocket and you find five dollars? That’s a pretty good feeling right? You want to know why it is a good feeling? Because it’s unexpected! This is the feeling I get when my yet...
Set the Captives Free
My name is Paul and my wife has always had a desire to bring out people’s inner beauty. Whether it’s complimenting strangers or speaking light into women shamed by darkness, Allisan wants people to realize how God sees them. As a hair stylist, Allisan brings this...
On being “Sent”
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? “Romans 10:14 My family and I (along with Zach Cobos), serve at MustardSeed...
The Best News you will Hear All Day!
It has been quite some time since you last heard from Katherine (my wife) and myself! I would like to apologize for such a long time between posts, and would like to make it up to you now! We have seen some pretty amazing things happen over the past year and I hope to...
An open letter from our Founder
Dear Supporters and Followers of CODE, Welcome back to the CODE website, if you have been following us for the past couple of years you will know that our post count has been down for the past few months. We apologize for that as we have been going through a bit of a...
Noche Buena: Fund a Feast Philippines
Last holiday season, Code ministries hosted its first Christmas outreach program in the Philippines, The Noche Buena: Fund a Feast Program. We felt in our hearts to reach out to the underprivileged families in both the rural and urban areas of Cagayan de Oro City, a...
Lauren’s BeLoved Story
For a long time, I felt like my efforts were not enough. I would swallow my pride and ask Jesus if they were and He would graciously confirm that they indeed were beautiful offerings and quite enough. I could not see it though so I strived some more to do more, be...