Recent Blogs

Below you can read posts from our missionaries.

A BeLoved Story: Delaney and her Dad

A BeLoved Story: Delaney and her Dad

The Strength of Faith "...What does the "S" stand for?" "It's not an "S"...on my planet, it's a sign of hope." These are the words spoken by Lois Lane and Superman in the movie, "The Man of Steel." Little did I know, these words would shape the very foundation of the...

Ridiculous Faith…

Ridiculous Faith…

...precedes miraculous results. Scriptures: 2 Kings 4:1-7, John 2:1-11 Read it on Bible Gateway here. As we bridge the gap between the Old Testament and the New Testament today, we are looking at how God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and… how miracles...

When The Lights Go Out

When The Lights Go Out

It is early March, and I am visiting my girlfriend in Canada. I have been here a few days and things have been going really well. We are getting to spend some quality time together and are having a lot of fun. However, last night as I was about to prepare dinner and...

A Healthy Reminder

A Healthy Reminder

The last few months I’ve been taking the time to really focus on my personal health.  No, thankfully I don’t have serious medical concerns right now.  However, I have struggled with seasonal depression almost every winter for the last several years.  So to combat this...

Celebrating in the Joy We Have in Christ

As Christians, we are promised Joy as a result of living a life centered on the truth of God's love for us. "These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full." John 15:11 We find in the Bible that when someone chooses...

Let’s Draw A Tree

Let’s Draw A Tree

Scriptures: Psalm 52:8-9 Read it on Bible Gateway here. It is SATURDAY, and on Saturdays we do crazy stuff. Today we’re getting creative! DON’T READ AHEAD! Do one step at a time so it’s fun! 1) Draw a tree in your journal or a scrap piece of paper. Any tree, in any...

Psalm 23: A Devotional

Psalm 23: A Devotional

A song based on Psalm 23: "Still the waters of my soul Walk with me across the oceans Sweet oil’s running down my brow from Your abundance Would you take me by the hand Lead me out of this valley I’m so lost in Take me into pastures greener than I could imagine I’m...