Learning to see what’s important.
Scriptures: Psalm 27:8, Luke 10:38-42
God’s presence is the best choice.
In both of these passages, the Lord highlights that our priority should be His presence. In Psalm 27, He says to seek Him! And He’s not playing a game with you where He’s hiding and you’re counting and then you go look. He just wants your heart to be looking to Him, considering Him, acknowledging His presence always.
Have you ever been hanging out with a friend who was too busy to give you attention? Did it make you feel like you were ignored or were you understanding, thinking to yourself that maybe you weren’t the priority after all? Well… Jesus IS the priority, every single moment. In the passage in Luke 10, I bet Jesus just wanted Martha to chill and hang out for a moment, to listen to His teachings. Maybe He was telling a story that He knew would make her laugh. He wanted her to choose Him, the good portion.
Sometimes we get too caught up in our personalities, in our roles, and in our busyness to realize that we’re clattering around the proverbial kitchen of life just like Martha was. Let people know you’ll make time for them. Make time to love well. Make time to just be with the Lord, to enjoy His voice. Ask Him what He’s been singing about you.
Don’t let life slip by you as you unravel in the busy trappings of the world. Choose to be known as someone who is captivated by the presence of God, someone who will fight for that intimacy, that intentionality.
Whatever is troubling you today, lay it down for a bit. Rest your arms. Rest your heart. Sit a while and listen. Let your heart respond to what you hear. The Good Portion is your best option, and I pray you choose Love.