Will Boggs’ BeLoved Story

Will Boggs’ BeLoved Story

I followed God’s calling to the hot non-air conditioned country of Cambodia to teach English at a local orphanage. I was half way through my time in Cambodia and feeling really discouraged because the teaching wasn’t going well and I didn’t feel like I was making a...
Will Boggs’ BeLoved Story

Lynne’s BeLoved Story

     My marriage was difficult from the beginning. We had some good times but more bad through the years. What started as bad moved into abuse. Not physical abuse but other types. The joy in my life was my relationship with God and my beautiful blessings, my children!...
Will Boggs’ BeLoved Story

Melissa’s BeLoved Story

My father left, my step-father neglected me and my husband told me I was inadequate—I spent my life trying to prove that I had value. I used to tell people that my real dad’s absence in my life didn’t affect me because “how can you miss someone you’ve never known?”...
Will Boggs’ BeLoved Story

Sam’s Beloved Story

“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us”  (Psalm 62:8) I know without a doubt that God has placed this on my heart for this moment. It is the underlining theme to my story. I have been meditating on this verse for a...